
FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 2017

7:00 PM – The Evidence Points to God
(Belief in the existence of God is not a blind faith.)

8:15 PM – Which God Exists?
(It’s one thing to prove a god exists, but how can we know which One?)


3:30 PM – The Biblical Creation Model 1
(What do the Bible and modern science tell us about the true history of the Universe?)

4:45 PM – The Biblical Creation Model 2

6:00 PM – Supper provided (at no charge)

7:15 PM – Is Creation Scientific?
(What scientific predictions does the Creation Model make about the Universe, and are there evidences to support its predictions?)

SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2017

9:00 AM – Is Creation Scientifically Defensible?
(Can modern attacks against biblical Creation and the Flood be sustained when examined fairly?)

10:00 AM – Why Become A Christian?
(In a day when God and His Word are scoffed at and attacked by the naturalistic community, why would anyone want to be a Christian?)